Beauty and Wellness Lesson From Dia Mirza Instagram

Dia Mirza is one of those actors whose face glows almost all the time. The actress is one of those people who loves to use

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Beauty and Wellness Lesson From Dia Mirza Instagram

Dia Mirza is one of those actors whose face glows almost all the time. The actress is one of those people who loves to use sustainable, natural things in every aspect of her life and also inspires others. Scrolling through Dia Mirza’s Instagram, there are many things in the actress’s life and routine that can serve as wellness and beauty lessons for you.

Beauty and Wellness Lesson From Dia Mirza

Beauty and Wellness Lesson From Dia Mirza Instagram

Start the Day with Self

Most of people start scrolling through social media as soon as they wake up in the morning, but Dia knows that a proper AM routine is good for beauty and health. The Dia Mirza actress said in one of her interviews, “Whatever happens, the 1st 15 min of the morning belong to me. Before I even reach for my phone, I center myself on brahmari, anulom-vilom and other yoga pranayamas.” Focusing on your breath calms the nervous system, which in turn reduces stress. The more your health is affected by stress, the more it affects the skin.

Research shows that focusing on your breathing can also improve your working memory, cognitive power, and reasoning skills.

Natural Skin Care

Dia Mirza likes to use only natural things and because of this, she uses only organic in her skincare as well. Along with these, the actress also uses the kitchen ingredients present in the house for herself. Talking about her vitamin C-rich mask, the actress said, “I also put on what I eat – so if I’m eating an orange, I’ll also rub a slice of orange on my face and leave it on for 10 minutes before washing it off.” , “To keep my skin well-hydrated and rid of impurities, I use a natural scrub made of walnut, plum and aloe Vera, and then moisturize with coconut or olive oil,” she confirms.

Liquid Foundation for a Flawless Base

Regarding makeup, Diya has told in her interview that she always likes liquid foundation for her base. The actress told that she does not like to apply a thick layer of pan stick like other actresses. She likes to apply liquid foundation and translucent powder for a flawless base in makeup.

Highlight a Feature

While Dia Mirza usually wears light pink or nude lipstick, she highlights her eye makeup a lot. She has told that while she likes to use earth tones during the day, for the night I prefer kajal and black Smokey eyes. Apart from this, Diya also likes to use mascara and she finds it very effective.

Less is more for the Actress

Diya had admitted in her interview that the concept of lace is peacock works for her. Talking about her hairstyle, the actress said that she likes the vintage hair look. Talking about her hairstyle, the actress also revealed that she prefers to blow dry her hair when it feels sticky.

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